Costa Teguise forum
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Sad news
25 replies 3 helpful posts
Moving to Costa Teguise: tips and advice
Are you looking to move to Costa Teguise? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.

Moving permanently to Costa Teguise
22 replies 6 helpful posts
Recommended Tradesmen and Companies in Costa Teguise
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Costa Teguise are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Costa Teguise.

Can anyone recommend: builder
12 replies
Jobs and careers in Costa Teguise
Looking for a job and career in Costa Teguise? Find job jacancies in Costa Teguise such as chef jobs, retail jobs, bar work and much more!

Looking for a job: Registered nurse
1 replies
General property discussion in Costa Teguise
Take part in our ceneral property discussion in Costa Teguise

Sands Beach Resort
11 replies 4 helpful posts
Find friends in Costa Teguise
Looking to find and meet friends in Costa Teguise? Make friends online, find new friends or reunite with long lost friends in Costa Teguise

Who wants to retire to Lanzarote with me?
4 replies 1 helpful posts

Seeking news on Carl White (entertainer)
2 replies
Costa Teguise Forum statistics
Members in Costa Teguise: 705
All members in Lanzarote: 4,041
Topics in Costa Teguise: 419
All topics in Lanzarote: 2,272
Posts in Costa Teguise: 884
All posts in Lanzarote: 5,133
0 members online in Costa Teguise
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