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Can anyone recommend: Car Solicitor

Posted: Wed Jun 1, 2022 11:29am
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Location: Tias

Joined: 1 Jun 2022

Hi, this maybe a long shot but you know what they say! if you don't ask you don't get to know. 

AnyHow, I bough a car for a considerable amount roughly 6500€ approximately 7 months ago. When buying the car there were some faults that the seller made clear he would fix. I have evidence of messages between him and myself, (surly our agreement stands in some way.) When buying the car, I got a 12 month engine warranty which doesn't help my case. My main problem is that this guy has sold me a car, said he would fix the faults and he has ignored me and created excuses for 7 months to why he can't get round to doing it.

I eventually got a message back saying this doesn't get covered in a warranty and he will only fix the hand break which doesn't work at all. God knows how he managed to get it through the iTV (imagine how many unsafe cars he is putting through the system) , That must be illegal. (The car is automatic and has the park option on the gear box which is how we have been making sure our car doesn't roll off.)

Does anyone know if I can do anything about this? I don't want my money back, just the the jobs he said he would fixed or at least a partial refund to get the jobs fixed myself. Im  happy to pay a solicitor or anyone who can help me down the legal route. 

Thank you in advance.


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