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What are the animal welfare laws concerning selling animals in shops in Lanzarote?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:26pm
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Posts: 2

Location: Playa Blanca

Joined: 19 Jul 2020

 Hello 👋,

  I am a passionate animal lover and animal rights activist. We are staying in Playa Blanca at the moment. 
 I have Autism and anxiety issues and I got anxious after visiting China Bazar, Playa Blanca, in part, due to the fact that they had a bird on display. The bird had the freedom to fly (unless his wings had been clipped), but I was still anxious that Spain probably don’t have the strict animal welfare laws regarding selling animals that we do in the UK. They might not be regularly inspected by an approved animal welfare body to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the bird, not buying or selling wild-caught birds, and that they are ensuring that he will only go to a good home.

 Also, please don’t buy trinkets or souvenirs (handbag accessories, etc) that might be made of real fur. Real fur, which is used in things like handbag accessories and other souvenirs styled to look like animals that are often sold in Lanzarote and other European tourist shops, can either come from trapping or fur-farming, both of which are known for animal cruelty. Animals are trapped in the wild using horrible leg-hold traps and snares that cause horrific injuries and a lot of pain and distress to the animals who, if they don’t chew through their own legs and paws to break free or die of infection or die in other agonising ways beforehand, are killed by suffocation and beating by fur-trappers. Any dependent young of the animals killed are almost certain to die due to starvation, predation, or other causes. Fur-farmed animals are bred and kept in inhumane conditions in cages on fur farms. Some foxes are even deliberately bred to be obese so that they will have more skin and fur. The poor animals are then killed by lethal injection, neck-breaking, strangulation, beating, electrocution strangling or gassing in order for their fur to be sold and used in fur coats, lining, handbags, accessories and souvenirs, like those in Lanzarote. If you are against animal cruelty, PLEASE boycott these souvenirs!!!!

 Thank you 😊.

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